Thank you, sweet Annabelle, for so many things…
Thank you for being so snuggly, and for your rumbling purr
Thank you for letting me hold you on your back to cuddle
Thank you for running to the door whenever you heard my car pull up, waiting for me to come in. It always made me smile to see your little orange face peeking out. Also, when the door was closed, for being right there, purring against my legs as if you hadn’t seen me for days, instead of just a few hours before
Thank you for meowing and meowing (and meowing) for food before bedtime, even though you had a bit left in your bowl. You only wanted to have a little more, just in case you ran out during the night
Thank you for sitting on the desk next to me whenever I was on the computer, batting around whatever happened to be in your "spot"
Thank you for squinting your eyes at me, which meant you were happy and content
Thank you for scratching and clawing at the carpet outside our bedroom door at 4:30 in the morning. It drove me crazy, but you were just lonely and wanted to say hi
Thank you for loving the Husband so much he decided that you could be a full-time "indoor cat"
Thank you for bouncing around whenever I came around the corner, and literally climbing the walls…just because. It made me laugh every time
And thank you for sitting on my lap the whole time on the way to the vet yesterday. I know it’s because you didn’t feel good, but I didn’t know I wouldn’t bring you back home with me, so it meant a lot
Thank you, Annabelle, for being just an all-around good kitty, and part of our family.
We’ll miss you…