Wednesday, July 18, 2007

'Sup, yo?

My mom e-mailed me today, asking if I was dead, since I hadn't blogged in such a long time.

I saw a tag-on sponsor commercial while watching a show the other day, for Poise undies. It had an older woman frolicking on the seashore, walking in the waves.

Here's the problem.

Now, I have no problem with Poise, and am happy that they are there for those who need them. But you see, a dude did the voice-over.

And said "panties."

And then ended the commercial with the Poise slogan...

(in a deep, manly voice)

"Yes, I can!"


Christy Z said...

Don't hate on "old dudes". They have "pantie" problems too!

Gay said...

Maybe the older woman was really a dude.