Monday, May 07, 2007


Something good: I went out to eat and ordered the $2.50 house margarita. 5 minutes later, out comes the honkinest hugest swirled margarita I've ever seen.

I asked, amazed, "That's only $2.50?!?"

Says the waiter, "Um, no. This is our top shelf, using top of the line alcohol."

Me, "Oh, but I ordered the house, and even pointed out which one on the menu I wanted."

Waiter, "Well, I'll make sure your waiter knows he ordered the wrong one. Enjoy!"

So I got a $7.00 "top of the line" sangria-swirled margarita for only $2.50.

I drank the whole thing, and my head doesn't even hurt this morning!

But don't worry, I wasn't driving.



Christy Z said...

It was Cinco de Mayo weekend! Cheers!!!

Gay said...

Doesn't get much better than that!