Friday, April 27, 2007

Blog Bacteria

I have this theory (they don't come very often, so pay attention.) When you were in Science class, did you ever do the experiment where you teamed up with a partner, got a cotton swab, and choose any one place in school to swab? You then brought it back to class and grew bacteria in petri dishes.

Whoever had the most bacteria, obviously, had swabbed the nastiest place.

You want to know the scary thing? The phone in the attendence office had more bacteria than the boy's toilets.

Ok, but here's my theory, since no one chose to test it in my class. I never see it cleaned, and if you think about the whole "trip to the bathroom" process, you should be concerned...

If you're a good little handwasher, you would use the soap. And if you used the soap, you would pull the little handle to dispense said soap.

Theory: I think the most bacteria-infested place in the bathroom would be the back of the soap handle.


Gross gross gross.

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