So I’ve decided to have a negative outlook on life, but only for a few moments.
A list of my pet peeves…just for you. With love.
1. Public sighing (especially when they’re by themselves and let out this huge sigh. That’s just weird.)
2. Dragging your feet (flip-floppers are the worst. Pick up your dang feet when you walk, people.)
3. Girls who talk on cell phones in uncomfortable places, specifically dressing rooms and bathrooms (first of all, dressing rooms are always quiet and echo-y, so you can hear everything. I personally don’t want to hear how “clothing piece A” doesn’t fit because “body part B” is too fat/skinny/fluffy, etc. Second, bathrooms. That should speak for itself. I used to be embarrassed flushing the toilet while they’re chatting away, but now I take pleasure in the loud plumbing. If they choose to talk in a public bathroom, they can do the explaining.) (And yes, just girls, since I don’t make a habit of spending extended periods of time in men’s dressing rooms and/or bathrooms.)
4. Repetitive tapping (this includes, among others, pen clicking, foot tapping, and key jingling.)
5. People who walk too close behind me (this is my personal space, and that’s yours. I’ve taken to, with clear purpose, stepping aside and standing there until they pass. Back off, yo.)
6. As everyone knows, I’m a huge fan of reality TV (specifically the Bachelor/Bachelorette.) As much fun as these shows are to watch, there is one awful disgusting noise that I just can’t listen to. The kissing (they kiss? On reality TV?!?) I mean, I love the la-di-da as much as the next person, but I sure don’t like to hear the sucking/slobbering/smacking/smooching sounds that come through my speakers. The mute button has become quite handy in situations like these.
7. Necklace clasps that have fallen to the front. Just turn it around. It’s not that hard.
8. Who watches Wheel of Fortune? I really enjoy that show (and I could win, I know it!) But what gets to me is that one overly zealous person who has to holler out each letter/ puzzle solver/introduction, as if we won’t hear them (“I want to, like, say hi to, like, my best friend ever. Hi Wendi!” Like, shut up.) There is a reason they wear mikes.
9. While we’re on the subject of W of F…when it’s obvious the player knows the answer to the puzzle, why in the friggin’ sam hill do they buy a vowel? That’s $250 down the toilet (I wonder if the girl on the phone in the next stall heard it.)
10. White cars. I would never choose to drive a white car (especially a Crown Victoria,) because you will always have to go the speed limit. When people see you coming, what do they do? They slow down, that’s what. So you’d better be a law-abidin’ citizen if you drive one of these. You won’t have a choice.
See? God Loves Me!
5 weeks ago
You both have way to much time on your hands. A lot of things drive me crazy but I don't have time to write them down!
That being said, you're funny!
I bet if they REALLY drove you crazy, you would find the time to write them's the important things in life that we have to make time for...
hee hee
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