Sunday, July 23, 2006


I got THE COOLEST toy in my Happy Meal yesterday (yes, I still eat Happy Meals.)
I pulled out the bag and saw a plastic skull with a pirate hat and an eye patch.

Whoop-ti-do, right?

But wait - the directions said to ask a yes or no question, and then lift up the eye patch to find your answer. It turns out it's a skeleton-eyeball MAGIC EIGHT BALL!

I mean, how cool is it to find all of life's answers in the eye socket of a dead pirate?


Christy Z said...

Isn't that cool? P has one too! It's amazing what is considered a cheap toy in a happy meal these days...

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Cracker Jacks, back when they had REAL prizes... (I'm dating myself!)