Tuesday, June 27, 2006


So we have a leak...yes, another one. That would be 3, count 'em t-h-r-e-e, since we've moved in. Our new carpet is really getting a workout. This time it's the washing machine plumbing in the walls. We have a fine and dandy plumber coming out tomorrow to take a look.

Bad news: in order to access the behind-the-wall shower leak, he has to bust through the dry wall.

Good news: our insurance covers dry wall repairs for points of entry! (We've been putting off fixing that water-damaged wall for a few reasons...it'll just get wet again, we both have to work, we're lazy...so now it will be taken care of!)

Bad news: I'll have to ask off for work to meet the plumber...we'll see how that one goes. Don't you hate using vacation days to deal with those dang plumbing issues?

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