Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oh, The Joys of Last-Minute-Late-Night-Weekend-Travel

The plan was for us to drive home from Fredericksburg late last night, and for me to sleep the whole way (as I had to be at work this morning at 8 am.) So much for our crazy plans, man.

We encountered the worst lightening/torrential downpour of a storm we have ever seen. I have never been around such awful lightening, and you couldn't even see three feet in front of the car because of the rain. It was like having a strobe light in the car with us - rather disorienting. And I've driven in some bad weather, believe you me.

So. No sleep in the car. And as tired as I was, no sleep when my head hit the pillow. Hello, 3:45 am. How nice to see you (again.)


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