Wednesday, March 22, 2006

One Small Difference

Just one small difference between my old job and new. Here is a brochure I found in my mailbox today...

to watch the London National Theater production
Music by Richard Thomas, book & lyrics by Stewart Lee and Richard Thomas
Saturday, April 1, 2006, 7:00 PM.
(Curtain Time 8:00 PM. Late-comers will be seated.)
Dr. S's House {Our Dept. Chair}
Drinks provided;
bring suitable finger food, party food or munchies
(This is NOT an April Fools joke. The opera and the party are for real!)
Warning: "Contains very strong language and strong sex references" and
"Parental Guidance: Explicit Lyrics."
The characters include Jerry, Steve, Peaches, Baby Jane, Chucky, Satan, Jesus,
Eve, Adam, Mary, God, an angel and an archangel.
This opera probably isn't suitable for everyone.

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